5 Things to Consider When Searching for Tool Coatings

various tools for jewelry processing of solid objects

There are over 88,000 cabinet makers and bench carpenters in the United States, and every single one of them is aware of how important the right tool coatings can be. Whether you’re a DIY beginner or an expert in construction and remodeling, it’s essential to know what you’re looking for.

Tool coatings can protect your tools from wear and tear, as well as guarantee a longer and more efficient lifespan. However, choosing the right tool coatings can be an arduous process, so here are a few common characteristics to be on the lookout for.

A high surface hardness on your cutting tools is going to be a huge contributing factor in promoting a long lifespan. Simply put, the harder the material or surface, the longer your tool will last. This is especially important for drill bits and wood cutting tools, as they’re often subjected to a large amount of friction and stress.

Wear Resistance
Wear resistance is a tool coating’s ability to protect a tool from abrasion. Though a material might not be extremely hard, it might be very abrasive. For example, though a 135 degree angle drill bit may be suited for harder materials, it may not be prepared for abrasion without a wear-resistant tool coating.

Surface Lubricity
Materials with a high friction rate contribute to excessive heat, which can severely shorten the life of both your tool coating and your tool at the same time. A material with a lower coefficient friction will greatly increase the life of your tool, as well as make your entry and exit holes smoother.

Oxidation Temperature
Oxidation temperature is the point at which a coating starts to break down. The higher the oxidation temperature, the longer your tool coating will last. If you’re one of the 53% of homeowners who believe now is a good time to remodel, you may want to look for tool coatings with high oxidation temperatures to increase the lifespan of your tools throughout your remodel.

Build up edge is common among tools, and anti-seizure technology can help prevent it and increase the lifespan of your tools (notice a theme, here?). If there’s less chance for chemical reactivity, your tools will perform better for longer.

Choosing a tool coating can be confusing at first, but if you ask about these five properties, you should be well on your way to prolonging the life of all your cutting tools.